Interim Marketing and Making it Through Wednesday

Welcome to the Wednesday Blog, from Wednesday Marketing! Since this is our first post, we figured we’d give you a quick run down on who we are, what we do, and why you should bother subscribing  to our blog/email list!

For most people, Wednesday is the toughest day of the week. After the start up energy of Monday, the cold realities of Tuesday have set in. You’ve got some challenges to get over before you can set the stage for an easy cruise to meeting Friday’s goals.

Wednesday is the day you need a little strategy. Some energy. A helping hand.

This goes for you as a marketing professional, or you as a company trying to make the leap to the next level.

We named our marketing agency The Wednesday Group because our goal is to help you bridge the gap between your vision and goals. From content and demand gen to thought-leadership, research, planning and operations support. That’s what we do with our services and that’s what we hope to offer in this blog.

We are a group of fairly experienced marketers in the areas of B2B demand generation, content and operations, and have been knocking around just long enough that we think we have a few lessons to share.

Here in the blog we’ll write about some of the things that keep us going, and make us better at what we do. We’ll also share some of our bigger screw-ups, so you can learn from them, and not follow in our footsteps.

Our team at The Wednesday Group provide both the strategic know-how and the on-the-ground talent to get you where you want to go—whether it is taking your business to the next level or just a lifeline while you are missing some key players.  

We plan to use this blog to help you get there too, whether you’re a client or just a fellow traveler. Comment back to us and share your thoughts, too!

So don’t let Wednesdays get you down. Tackle them head on. Subscribe to our emails/blog! Let’s work together and see what we can achieve.

>>5 Reasons the MQL is not Dead

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